Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Who I am...
My name is Kate Johnson and I am currently a graduating senior at San Francisco State University, studying Visual Communications. I was born in San Francisco and have been raised in Pacifica all my life. I attended a French-American elementary school up until sixth grade before transferring to public middle and high schools. My early education not only enabled me to become bilingual but also instilled in me a very strong work ethic; something that I have come to appreciate more and more with each passing year.

I find myself inspired by just about everything around me, albeit in different ways. I sometimes feel like a sponge; I am a quiet person usually because I am constantly trying to absorb everything around me. I would have to say that I am especially interested in the past, whether it be history itself or a particular object (I'm all about craftsmanship). I am inspired by the textures of nature and try to be outside as much as possible. Animals and wildlife have always been a major part of my life and I continue to be fascinated and involve myself with them as much as possible... Nothing gives me as much joy as my pets.

My influences would have to include my parents and grandparents. My mother has had a successful career in the fashion industry for the past 25+ years which is something that I aspire to in my professional career. My grandparents have been married for almost 70 years which is simply incredible. They have always been there for me when I needed help and I have been privileged to have grown up around them on an almost daily basis. They are such a great example of good team work and positive attitude in the face of everyday adversity; I have always looked up to them.

My hopes for the future are pretty simple: graduate from SFSU and go on to have a successful career doing something that I really love. Ideally, the most fulfilling job I can think of would be one involving animals but that doesn't necessarily mean that I wouldn't be happy discovering something new further down the line. I'm open to anything and hope to have as many new experiences as possible.

Six Words That Describe Me...

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