On Tuesday Feb. 22, 2011 I met with Brigid Duffy who works at San Francisco State University to discuss the feral cat colony on campus.
- She has been involved since 2003.
- Support TNR (trap-neuter-release).
- Campus police and groundskeepers are great allies. They help monitor the cats and watch for any new-comers that may come in.
- There is a campus kitty committee that manages the colony and helps figure out what may need to be done. They hold regular meetings.
- 2 feeding locations on campus.
- Try to get as many people involved as possible; nobody gets turned away because there are so many ways to help.
- Want people to know about the cats so that they would be aware of them and their significance to the community (pest control mostly).
- Currently about 15 volunteers.
- Haven't really encountered any negative responses regarding the cats or what the committee does. SFSU is a small closed community with an educated population; they are pretty aware of what's around them.
- Doesn't cost the university ANYTHING.
- Have very good relationship with the San Francisco SPCA and Animal Care and Control.
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